We were back to full swing this week. Savannah started back to speech with a new teacher, Mrs. Rowe. She seems very nice and definitely knowledgeable. Savannah has two other girls in her class that she has made fast friends with. She had a lot of fun at pre-school this week. Her biggest nemesis, Healthy Herb, paid a visit to UCP. Savannah really does not like him. She has had a great dislike towards him since she was in the 2s program. I was hoping this year, being another year older, she would go and watch his presentation, but yet again, she wouldn't. Thankfully her teachers are compassionate and let her go back to the room and help Ms. Rhonda with little things that needed to be completed. The biggest event this week was that Meme and Grandpa came to visit. When they got here on Monday night, Savannah kept asking if they had brought their DVDS to play with. We could not figure out what she was talking about. Finally, once she described them, we knew what she meant. Here they are:
If you're not familiar with this old favorite, it is a Fischer Price record player. We thought it was pretty funny and it made us realize how much technology has changed through out the years!
On Tuesday Meme came along for the ride to drop off and pick up Savannah. What a special treat that was! Then, lucky Meme got to spend most of the rest of the day entertaining Savannah. She didn't want anything to do with the rest of us. Lots of book reading, drawing and playing in the playroom. Even a trip out back! On Wednesday we visited Daddy at work for lunch. Unfortunately, he had to work through lunch so we had to go somewhere he could get free WIFI. Of course, Savannah was happy because she has wanted to go to Panera for a while now. It was nice to see Daddy, even if he had to work :( That night Meme pulled out her french horn. Savannah has been saying for two years that she would like to play the french horn. Meme let her try it out and Savannah was actually able to make notes! I was pretty impressed :)
Thursday was another day at preschool. This was also the "Healthy Herb" day. After school, Savannah decided she would like to play with her easel. Meme and Grandpa picked up some dry erase markers and Savannah enjoyed having some drawing time with Meme.
Savannah sure enjoyed her time with her grandparent's from Virginia! We look forward to seeing them again at Thanksgiving!