Saturday, September 13, 2008

Welcome Meme and Grandpa

This weekend we finally felt it was ok to pick up some new fish. So, Saturday before the UCF game, we headed down to Waterford lakes to pick them up. We picked up a new picastumus to help clean up the tank and two little sharks. Unfortunately one of the sharks died :( Thankfully we do use a separate tank before moving them into our main tank in case of this very thing. You never know what germs the store fish bring home. We have had one pretty much wipe out our entire tank before we started using the transition tank. So, the two remaining fish had to spend a little extra time in the transition tank before they got to move up in the world (literally, the main tank is above the transition tank). They got to make the big step up today and seem much happier now. Here is a pic of Savannah helping get the transition tank ready:

We were back to full swing this week. Savannah started back to speech with a new teacher, Mrs. Rowe. She seems very nice and definitely knowledgeable. Savannah has two other girls in her class that she has made fast friends with. She had a lot of fun at pre-school this week. Her biggest nemesis, Healthy Herb, paid a visit to UCP. Savannah really does not like him. She has had a great dislike towards him since she was in the 2s program. I was hoping this year, being another year older, she would go and watch his presentation, but yet again, she wouldn't. Thankfully her teachers are compassionate and let her go back to the room and help Ms. Rhonda with little things that needed to be completed. The biggest event this week was that Meme and Grandpa came to visit. When they got here on Monday night, Savannah kept asking if they had brought their DVDS to play with. We could not figure out what she was talking about. Finally, once she described them, we knew what she meant. Here they are:

If you're not familiar with this old favorite, it is a Fischer Price record player. We thought it was pretty funny and it made us realize how much technology has changed through out the years!

On Tuesday Meme came along for the ride to drop off and pick up Savannah. What a special treat that was! Then, lucky Meme got to spend most of the rest of the day entertaining Savannah. She didn't want anything to do with the rest of us. Lots of book reading, drawing and playing in the playroom. Even a trip out back! On Wednesday we visited Daddy at work for lunch. Unfortunately, he had to work through lunch so we had to go somewhere he could get free WIFI. Of course, Savannah was happy because she has wanted to go to Panera for a while now. It was nice to see Daddy, even if he had to work :( That night Meme pulled out her french horn. Savannah has been saying for two years that she would like to play the french horn. Meme let her try it out and Savannah was actually able to make notes! I was pretty impressed :)

Thursday was another day at preschool. This was also the "Healthy Herb" day. After school, Savannah decided she would like to play with her easel. Meme and Grandpa picked up some dry erase markers and Savannah enjoyed having some drawing time with Meme.
Savannah sure enjoyed her time with her grandparent's from Virginia! We look forward to seeing them again at Thanksgiving!

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Go Knights! Ok, so they didn't win, but the final score was 31-24 in overtime! It was a great ending to the game. Many people left early so they missed the show. I have to give UCF credit for fighting it out. The refs were definitely flag happy, mostly in USF's favor. We lost a touchdown because of a flag and then lost the game over a questionable (at least to those of us at the game, I think it was more apparent on TV) placement of the ball on the last play. UCF has come so far in football. It was great to watch them tonight. I am glad we decided to get season tickets this year!

On to FSU: 69 - 0! I know it was against a not too difficult team but, hey, last year there is no way that would have happened! I am hoping this means we are back on the upswing :)

Welcome football season!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Busy, busy, busy...again

Boy have we had a busy couple of days! I started my weekend with a Friday night girls night out celebrating a friends 30th birthday. All the chocolate fondue you would want! Yummy :) Saturday started with Brian mowing the lawn. Savannah and I did some picking up around the house (ok, she played quietly in her playroom while I picked up the rest of the house. Sounds like she isn't doing much but it was actually a HUGE help). After a quick trip to Costco, which helped me remember why I don't ever go there on a Saturday, we headed home to get ready for:

This year we decided to get season tickets to the UCF football games. Our church buys a block of tickets together so we were sitting around a bunch of people we know. Savannah had a wonderful time! It took her about a quarter to take it all in and then she started having a grand time :) She enjoyed watching everything going on around her. During half time she was dancing all over the place imitating the visiting teams cheerleaders. She partied hard until about 3/4 of the way through the third quarter. Then she went down hill fast :) I should mention that the game started at 6:00. She slept through most of the last quarter. Poor Brian carried her back to my brothers house where we had parked. But, all in all we had a great time!

Sunday we had some friends over for lunch after lunch. Savannah enjoyed playing with her friend out in the backyard in her swimming pool and water slide. We enjoyed hamburgers and hot dogs from Cavalaries (a local butcher) and had a good time watching the girls play.
On Monday we has another grill out with our small group from last year. The kids all had a wonderful time playing together! There was a bouncy house, sand box and little tykes stuff to play with in the backyard. They also enjoyed all the toys in the house. I tried two new recipes and they both went over well. One was a mixed bean dish that I got out of a Taste of Home. It was really good! The other was a banana cake I have been wanting to try for a while but I needed an event to take it to so that I would not have an entire cake sitting at home :) It was really nice to have a chance to catch up with our friends after going our separate ways over the summer. I look forward to more fellowship time with them.

Savannah had a very clingy day today. She is having a hard time with the adjustment of me not being at the preschool this year. I find it funny because she never saw me when I did teach there but I guess it is just the idea of me not being there that is upsetting her. She actually started crying when I dropped her off! I had to carry her through the door to get her to go in. When I picked her up she kept telling me that she didn't want me to leave her there and go away without her. I would have thought she would let it go. It didn't help that I had bunco tonight, too. So, as I was leaving I could her sobs of "mommy stay home" in the background.

Today was the first day of WOW (women of the word) at my church. It was nice to meet the new members that are in my group. We are studying Daniel by Beth Moore. I am really looking forward to this study!