Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Day Light Savings

So, our lives at the Hill household are revolving around day light savings time right now. As a young adult, I did not like this time change because of loosing an hour of sleep. After having a child, and no longer having to get up to go to work, I realized that this time change actually allowed for some extra sleep because Savannah would sleep an extra hour in the morning! Well, jump forward 3 years, add having to get up for pre-school two days a week and speech two other days (and, of course, myself teaching again), and we are now back to loosing an hour of sleep. At least when I was younger, I only had myself to deal with. A sleep deprived 4 year old can be very taxing (to say the least). So, I am praying that Savannah will be able to catch up soon so that things can settle down at home! Hopefully everyone out there is able to settle into the new time comfortably!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

welcome to the world of blogging!! :)